Events we’re proudly hosting from the best international movement and yoga teachers

Touch & Assisting - For Yoga Teacher

June 25, 2023 - 11:00am -4:00pm

Click here for more info and to book

June 2023 - Thai Massage Immersion

Saturday 24th June 2023 - 10:00-18:00


On top of providing you with a greater sense of the language of touch, the techniques you learn here also become part of your therapeutic toolkit. The intent in this full-day training is to delve deeply into touch sensitivity and develop proficiency in carefully selected manual techniques. Here, we focus on depth over breadth, which means that instead of trying to give you as many tools as possible within the time we have, we focus on facilitating greater skill with the tools presented. This means there will be time to properly experience both providing and receiving each technique multiple times whilst receiving feedback and refinements to improve execution.

After taking this workshop you’ll have enough techniques to slowly and skillfully provide a 50-minute Thai massage. On top of this, each technique and the philosophies of how we work have applications beyond a typical massage environment – in areas such as movement classes/education, physical therapy settings and within social scenarios as well.

Click here for more info