Yoga Reloaded Teacher Immersion

Dates for 2021:

14-17th May 2021 11.30-2.30 BST

Price: £595 Full payment on booking:

Refund Policy
Part of payment is a non refundable deposit of £100.

The refund policy refers to your balance minus the deposit.

In the unlikely event that the training is cancelled before the course has begun you will receive £100% of your money back.

61 or more days prior to the course 100%

31-60 days prior to the course 25%.

0-30 days or less prior to the course 0%.

Email us to book

* The modern human does not have the essential joint range or strength to perform asana safely and adequately

* We now know more about the body/nervous system than ever before and the yoga system needs to be updated to be in line with this understanding

* Make teaching safer and more functional. Allowing us as teachers to make more informed choices about what we teach to our students.

* Look at the science, not the lineage, break free from outdated dogma that’s not designed for the modern, sedentary human body.

Each day will focus on applying our Reloaded principles to these areas of the body and asanas associated with them.

This is what we’re going to be covering.

Are you ready for the revolution?


• The story of the modern human

• Spine

• Diaphragm and breath

• Nervous system/vagus nerve

• Macro/micro movement

• Hinge point training

• What is the core and how spinal movement affects the core


• Feet/knees/ankles

• Eccentric and concentric and activation is standing poses

• Arbitrary alignment and why it doesn’t work

• Components of the pose before the pose

• Cueing/sequencing

➡️Day 3 Hips

• Tissue types (Bone, muscle, connective) the rate in which they adapt and stretching myths

• Mobility vs flexibility vs mobilising

• Passive vs active

• Hip C.A.R.S




• Shoulder girdle/ Wrists/elbows

• Upper body strength

• Progressive load

• Backbends and silly yoga language like heart opening

• Global movement

• Fascia

• Inversions

• When passive is GOOD (not at end range but for down regulation)

• Shavasana

You will learn how these areas are capable of moving and how individual students bodies are

We will make your teaching more relevant and functional